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Quit Dieting for Good

Dec 26, 2018

In today's solocast, I dive into the topic of sugar addiction - and why you are NOT addicted to sugar.

You will be faced with many temptations to do a sugar cleanse in the new year! But that is not the answer to fixing your relationship with sugar, and will lead you back to eating sugar as soon as the cleanse is...

Dec 19, 2018

On today’s episode, I talk with Isabel Foxen Duke, the creator of Stop Fighting Food.

Isabel gives us insight into her long battle with dieting, bingeing and body hate and how she finally overcame it by surrendering - realizing the pain of dieting was worse than her fear of weight gain.

We talk about everything from...

Dec 12, 2018

Today on the podcast, I talk with my very first coach, Jamie Mendell, who first introduced me to Intuitive Eating.  

Jamie teaches us about the two voices in your head - the inner critic and your intuition - how to turn down the volume on the inner critic so you can hear what your intuition has to say.

We also talk...

Dec 5, 2018

In this solocast, published on my birthday and the anniversary of my mom's death, I'm talking about six amazing life lessons I learned from losing my mom.

Often times, a diet is used in hopes to create a better life. But you can create a better life at anytime without attempting to change your body.

Listen in and see...